The term “Red Book” has recently become a hot topic in Andhra Pradesh politics, especially after Lokesh’s promise to document the names of YCP leaders and government officials who allegedly mistreated TDP cadres between 2019 and 2024. This red book was seen as a powerful tool to expose such individuals.
However, some TDP supporters feel that Lokesh is not fully leveraging the potential of the red book, as highlighted in recent remarks by Ambati Rambabu. Ambati mocked the red book during a media interaction, saying, “Aa Erra book ki naa Kukka kuda bhayapadadu,” meaning even his dog isn’t afraid of it. Ambati’s statement was a direct response to Lokesh’s earlier claim that YCP leaders feared the red book.
Ambati’s comments have sparked a backlash from TDP supporters, who argue that Lokesh’s approach to the red book has been too lenient, allowing YCP leaders like Ambati to make such dismissive statements. The ongoing exchange reflects a shift in confidence among YCP leaders, who are becoming increasingly vocal in their criticisms of Lokesh and Chandrababu again. If this trend continues, the political atmosphere could soon resemble the contentious situation of 2019, where YCP was openly attacking TDP leaders.
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