Union Home Minister and BJP leader Amit Shah will visit the residence of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu on Sunday, January 18th. Amit Shah will arrive in a special flight from Delhi and head straight to the CM’s residence in Undavalli. To mark the occasion, Chandrababu will host a dinner in his honor, serving a variety of delicacies including Godavari-style dishes, Tapeswaram Kaja, Bandar Laddu, and other local favorites. A special Ragi Sankati, with both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, will also be prepared for the visit. Amit Shah is expected to spend about three hours at the residence.
This visit is particularly significant as it is Amit Shah’s first to Andhra Pradesh since the formation of the alliance government, underscoring its importance in fortifying the relationship between the TDP and BJP.
On January 19th, as part of his official visit, Amit Shah will inaugurate the state’s NIDM center and the 10th Battalion of the NDRF, followed by an address to a public gathering. The event will be managed entirely by the central government, with invitations extended to both Chandrababu and Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan to attend.
Following these engagements, Amit Shah is slated to hold a special meeting with leaders of the alliance parties to discuss governance matters, including the state’s law and order situation, central government assistance, and the progress of development programs in Maoist-affected regions.
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