Anasuya has ‘leaked’ a dialogue from her forthcoming film Rangasthalam which features Ram Charan and Samantha in the lead roles. Anchor-turned-actress has divulged a beautiful line from the film and posted it on her micro-blogging page.Posting a sneak peek of her picture from the film – without revealing her character and her costume, the posted picture only featured her legs. And then she wrote,”Ninda Nijamayithe Tappaka Didduko. Abadhamayithe Navvesi Vuruko,” wrote Anasuya quoting it as the dialogue from the film.
While Charan’s fans have welcomed Anasuya’s tweet, anti-fans of Ansuya continued to troll her over her recent controversy where she raised objections over Arjun Reddy film and Vijay Devarakonda’s dialogues. Vijay’s fans have shot back at Anasuya’s tweet saying that Vijay has laughed off to Anasuya’s comments and ignored the issue.
Looks like, Arjun Reddy fans are not going to leave Anasuya anytime sooner. She received flak for her concerns. In fact, many have taken it very personal such that her dress and her family life have been dragged into the topic.
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