Jr NTR is stretching muscles to wrap up his upcoming film ‘Temper’ under Puri Jagan’s direction in record time such that the flick will hit screens as scheduled on January 9, 2015 at any cost. At the same time, Junior is planning for a massive audio release for the movie regardless of any ‘flop’ sentiment that is hovering around.
Sources in the know stated that Jr NTR is insisting for an audio release at his grandfather’s birthplace Nimmakuru. Earlier, flopbuster Andhrawala that was carved by Puri-NTR duo had also its music launched at the same venue. On 5th December 2003, Andhrawala music was launched at Sr NTR’s home in the village. Provided with the flop show of the movie at box office, fans are now worried about Junior’s decision to release his ‘Temper’ audio at the same venue. Despite these sentiments, Jr and his director are exuding confidence that they will score a hit with this cop-saga at any cost.
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