Megastar Chiranjeevi will be rushing to Delhi tomorrow, giving a break to the shooting of his Prestigious 150th film. Congress Party had issued a whip to all its Rajya Sabha MPs to attend the session tomorrow as the crucial GST Bill will come for voting. This is the second break for the movie shooting for Chiranjeevi’s political commitments.
The movie shooting is going on near Chevella. It has to be seen if the shooting will be stalled during his absence or the team will be canning the scenes without the actor. The schedules are chalked out in a way there are no big resting periods as Chiranjeevi is keen to release it for Sankranthi 2017. Kajal Aggarwal is selected as the female lead in the film.
The yet to be titled film is the official remake of Tamil blockbuster, Kaththi starring Vijay. VV Vinayak who recently bagged a failure with Akhil – The Power of Jua is given the chance to direct the film. Ram Charan and his mother Surekha are producing the film on their Konidela Production Company. Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer.
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