Anushka’s Bhaagamathie was initially planned for Sankranthi release. Although it was not announced, the makers have blocked theatres for Sankranthi in much advance. With the change of plan (as Bhaagamathie is pushed for Jan 26 release), production house UV Creations has smartly roped in its another production Suriya’s Gang in to the fray.
Suriya’s Gang is a joint venture of UV Creations and Studio Green. It is common knowledge by now that the duo has been working hand-in-hand along with Geetha Arts.
The plan is to release Suriya’s Gang in the theatres in which they have good hold. And after Gang is over, the same theatres would be replaced by Anushka’s Bhaagamathie. This is certainly a smart plan conceived by UV which is slowly increasing its grip on releases. Besides Andhra, UV is also now getting strong in Nizam.
Despite having Pawan Kalyan’s Agnyaathavaasi (released by Dil Raju in Nizam) and Balakrishna’s Jai Simha ( Asian Cinemas Suneel) and Raj Tarun’s Rangula Ratnam ( produced by Annapurna Studios and most likely distributed by Asian Cinemas Suneel), UV’s Gang is hitting the screens comfortably on Jan 12.
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