On the occasion of Deepavali, Anushka’s Nishabdham’s team released the pre-teaser. The 19 second long video has some intriguingly shot visuals and a haunting background score and succeeds in raising curiosity on the teaser, which is releasing on November 7th, coinciding with Anushka’s birthday.
Nishabdham’s pre-teaser does not feature any dialogues and just has 5 impactful shots. A secluded house by a lake in the US, Madhavan’s hands playing cello, with his face vaguely shown in the background, Anushka’s hands making sign gestures, mourning in the burial ground and an auditorium erupting in applause altogether create enough suspense on what the plot could be.
Nishabdham is titled Silence in English. The film is an Indo-American crossover thriller. Hollywood star Michael Madsen plays an important part in the movie. The film also has Anjali, Shalini Pandey and Srinivas’ Avasarala. TG Viswaprasad and Kona Venkat are producing the Hemanth Madhukar directorial.
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