Rajamouli and his team had celebrated the news of Padma Shri in the thick forests of Kerala. The announcement of Padma Shri award being conferred to Rajamouli reached to the unit of Baahubali 2 very late on Monday evening as they are far away from the communications.
The shoot of Baahubali 2 is currently happening in a thick forest. Rajamouli is filming war sequences and some romantic scenes involving Prabhas and Anushka in the forests in Kerala state.
When we came to know this late in the evening, we celebrated there with much pomp, said an unit member. Rajamouli, Prabhas and all others joined the party.
Rajamouli said he belongs to all four south Indian states – Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Telagana as he is brought up in all these states. And interestingly, the news of Padma Shri came when he was shooting in Kerala.
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