SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali had emerged as the biggest Telugu grosser ever at the US box office even before the completion of the Day-1 at the box office. The movie had raked in more than 1.4 Million dollars gross (some screens to report) from its premieres and $635K from 125 Locations as of 1 PM EST with the regular shows of First day making the film, the first Telugu movie to enter the 2 Million dollars club.
There is absolute madness in the desi-audience of US just as the audience back in the Telugu states. Given that the talk and the reviews are very positive, the movie is expected to make it very big at the box office. Trade analysts are expecting the movie to end up some where between 3.5-4 Million dollars gross in its full run.
Here is the Top 10 Biggest Telugu grossers in US
Baahubali – 2.01M (1st day yet to complete)
Attarintiki Daredhi – 1.89M
SVSC – 1.63M
Dookudu – 1.56M
Manam – 1.53M
Aagadu – 1.48M
Race Guram – 1.39M
1-Nenokkadine – 1.32M
Baadhshah – 1.28M
S/O Satyamurthy – 1.25M
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