Yoga guru Ramdev Saturday declined the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second highest civilian award, saying that while he was grateful for being chosen for the honour it should be given to someone else and not a “sanyasi”. Ramdev, in a letter to Home Minister Rajnath Singh, said he was grateful that the government thought of his name, which he got to know from media reports, but the honour could be given to some other great person.
“I urge you to give this honour to somebody doing something great. I would be grateful to you,” he said. However, the development comes prior to an official announcement by the Narendra Modi-led NDA government of the final list of this year’s Padma awardees.
The Ministry of Home Affairs, yesterday, said that the government has not yet announced any names for the Padma Awards, 2015, and added that the names appearing in the media are speculative. “Govt has not yet announced Padma Awards for 2015.
These awards are announced on 25th of January every year, on the eve of the Republic Day,” it said. “The names appearing in the media are speculative and there is no official confirmation for the same,” it added.
Media reports have been speculating that spiritual guru Baba Ramdev, actor Amitabh Bachchan and BJP veteran LK Advani may be conferred the Padma awards on Republic Day.
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