AP CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu has grand plans for his grandson Nara Devansh’s first birthday celebrations. While Devansh recently turned 1 as per his birth date, the Nara and Nandamuri families will celebrate the little kid’s first birthday once again on the auspicious day of Ugadi on April 8 as per his Tithi.
Babu invited his cabinet ministers, MLAs and officers along with their families to Devansh’s first birthday celebrations which will take place in AP capital Amaravati. Babu also decided to celebrate Ugadi in Uddandrayunipalem, where the foundation stone was laid for Amaravati.
When the officers informed Chandrababu about the foundation stone laying ceremony for pucca houses in all the districts on April 8, the same date as Devansh’s birthday celebrations, Babu after prolonged discussions, suggested them to postpone the foundation stone laying ceremony to the 14th of April to coincide with Ambedkar jayanti.
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