Baby, featuring Anand Deverakonda, Viraj Ashwin and Vaishnavi Chaitanya is set for its release. The film is directed by national award winning Sai Rajesh and produced by SKN who proved his taste with films like Taxiwaala, Bhale Bhale Magadivoi, and Mahanubhavudu.
Now, Baby is said to be receiving good offers from buyers, thanks to the hype it has received through the good songs like Oo Rendu Meghalilaa and Deva Raaja, which is now trending all over. Good songs are the key for a small film’s success and this is clearly working in favor of Baby now.
The OTT and satellite rights of the film were sold for a big price already. And now, the focus is on the theatrical rights of the film. With the aggressive promotions, the film is gaining more momentum.
The recently released Deva Raaja, a fusion classical song was launched by 12 music directors and it is trending on music charts now. In the days to come, we are hearing that many top stars will come to promote the film. As a result, this film has emerged as a hot cake amongst the trade. It is the most happening small film now.
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