Amitabh Bachchan wife Jaya Bachchan is set to be richest MP in the Parliament. She submitted affidavit along with nomination papers to get elect Rajya Sabha MP for the fourth consecutive term.
According to the affidavit, the 69-year-old politician, together with her husband, has immovable assets worth over Rs 460 crore, and their movable assets are valued at Rs 540 crore, much above the Rs 343 crore declared in 2012.
The movable assets which includes a pen worth Rs 9 lakh and watches worth Rs 51 lakh. Her husband Amitabh Bachchan also owned watches worth a whopping Rs 3.4 crore.
The couple owned a 3,175 square metre residential property in Brignogan Plages in France. The film actor couple also possessed properties in Bhopal, Noida, Delhi, Pune and Mumbai, and in Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad.
Amitabh Bachchan has been shown as owning a Rs 5.7-crore three-acre plot in Daulatpur area of Barabanki district and the Rajya Sabha MP herself owns a Rs 2.2-crore agricultural land measuring 1.22 hectare in Kakori area of Lucknow.
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