Makers are putting all efforts to release Balakrishna ‘Legend’ on scheduled date on March 28th. The film directed by Boyapati Sreenu is doing positive buzz. This is helping the political drama in making good pre release business. Legend business for Nizam, Ceded, Guntur, Nellore were already closed and negotiations are on for other regions. Satellite rights of the movie were sold for whopping Rs 8.5 crore which is highest so far for Balakrishna.
Radhika Apte and Sonal Chauhan are heroines in Legend while Jagapathi Babu is antagonist. Devi Sri Prasad composed audio got good response. Here is Legend area wise pre release business details:
- Nizam Rs 7.5 crore
- Ceded Rs 7 crore
- Guntur Rs 3.6 crore
- Nellore Rs 1.6 crore
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