Nandamuri Balakrishna is said to be very serious on the leaks happening regarding his prestigious project, “NTR”, a biopic on his legendary father. He has even warned the team of NTR to prevent such leaks in future.
Balayya is said to be upset with the NTR biopic related news circulating on social media without any official announcements. Some of these speculations have turned out to be baseless stories after circulating for a while, whereas others turned out to be genuine leaks which killed the excitement by the time makers make official announcements.
The plethora of speculations on NTR alerted Balayya and he has reportedly gave a serious warning to the core team asking them to keep the details such as who the team is approaching for key characters, special dates, character looks etc. confidential.
Since Balayya considers NTR as his career’s most prestigious project, he doesn’t want any negligence from the unit.
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