Nandamuri Balakrishna who is busy in the shooting of his Prestigious 100th film, Gautamiputra Satakarani, took a couple of days off and reached to his constituency, Hindupur. The actor who is busy there with various works in the last couple of days, was going to Bengaluru to take a flight to Hyderabad.
Some how the driver of the car he is travelling, lost control of the steering well and hit the road divider. Luckily, the actor escaped unhurt. He got in to another car and left to Bengaluru. The actor’s PR and TDP sources assure fans that there is nothing to worry and he is perfectly safe.
The actor is likely to join the shooting of his Gautamiputra Satakarani from tomorrow. Gautamiputra Satakarani is the Prestigious 100th film in the actor’s career. The movie shooting is going on at record speed so as to make sure that it release for Sankranthi 2017 as planned earlier.
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