Film star turned politician Nandamuri Balakrishna today attended the Telangana state official festival Medaram Jathara in Warangal along with his wife Vasundhara. Balayya and his family first reached the abode of Sammakka Saramma goddesses and offered special prayers.
Balayya also offered gold and other ritualistic offerings to Sammakka Saramma and revealed on the occasion that he has been offering gold to Sammakka Saramma since several years. Balayya then heaped praises on the grand arrangements made by the authorities.
Balayya further said that former AP chief minister NT Ramarao strived hard towards the welfare of Telangana people and said that he will continue to implement his father’s developmental schemes in Telangana. Thousands of jubilant devotees and fans rushed to a few glimpses of Balayya at the festival.
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