Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Prestigious 100th film, Gautamiputra Satakarani is being canned in the picturesque locales of Georgia. The climax sequence of the film featuring hundreds of foreign fighters and well known stars is being canned there. The shooting there will happen till 20th of this month.
And then the team will resume shoot in Hyderabad with another major schedule. We are said that Balayya is surprising the entire team as he is shooting for the film with full vigor and enthusiasm. The actor is not even using a body double while performing risky stunts, leaving the entire unit in awe.
The makers are shooting non-stop for the film so as to make sure the movie releases on January 12th, 2017 release as Sankranthi Special. The recently released first look poster of the film is greeted to good response and increased hype on the film. The makers have roped India’s best costume designer and three times National Awards winner Neetu Lulla to design the costumes and ornament in the film.
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