Nandamuri Balakrishna’s prestigious 99th film Dictator has been the talk of the town ever since it was launched and the film’s lavish production has been drawing all the attention. The buzz on the film has now been intensified with the film releasing during Sankranthi festival, along with a couple of other major films.
Now, if the ongoing reports are anything to go by, Balayya’s Dictator will soon be remade in Bollywood. Apparently, the film’s director Sriwass recently met a top Bollywood production house to discuss a possible Hindi remake. Reports further say that the Bollywood version will be directed by Sriwass himelf.
What’s more, the film will have the intense action star Ajay Devgan reprising Balayya’s role. Dictator is being co-produced by Eros International and this is one prominent factor for the film being a hotcake among the Bollywood circles, apart from the reports that the said production house is highly impressed with the film’s script.
In Dictator, Balayya plays a stylish don and he romances Anjali and Sonal Chauhan. Music has been scored by SS Thaman.
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