In an unexpected turn of events, Rajya Sabha MP from the YSR Congress Party (YCP), Vijay Sai Reddy, announced his retirement from politics today. Stating that he no longer wishes to remain active in the political arena, Reddy clarified that he will not be joining any party after leaving YCP. He is set to relinquish his Rajya Sabha post tomorrow.
This unforeseen announcement has ignited various theories and debates on social media, with many speculating about the reasons behind his decision. Adding fuel to the fire, producer and occasional politician Bandla Ganesh weighed in with a sharp response. Known for his vocal opinions, Ganesh remarked, “It has become fashionable for many politicians to enjoy power when their party is in power and then abandon it when they face trouble.” He ended his critique of Sai Reddy with the pointed question, “Idi Dharmama?”
Interestingly, Bandla Ganesh, who primarily focuses on Telangana politics and is a supporter of Pawan Kalyan, has little direct involvement in Andhra Pradesh politics. However, he seized the opportunity to make a dig at Sai Reddy, sparking further conversations online.
Sai Reddy’s sudden departure has also become fodder for memes and mockery across social media platforms. Many had assumed he would stand by Jagan Mohan Reddy until the end, but his unexpected retirement has left political observers and the public alike speculating about the reasons and the future implications for the YCP.
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