Rajya Sabha MP and senior YSR Congress leader Vijayasai Reddy made an unexpected announcement today, declaring his retirement from politics. In a surprising statement, he confirmed that he has no intention of continuing his political career or joining any other party after stepping away from the YSR Congress. He is also expected to formally relinquish his Rajya Sabha post tomorrow.
This unforeseen decision has set off a flurry of speculation and discussions across social media, with numerous theories emerging about the reasons behind his departure. Adding to the buzz, producer and occasional politician Bandla Ganesh, known for his sharp remarks, took the opportunity to share his take on the development.
Ganesh, who is primarily active in Telangana politics and is a vocal supporter of Pawan Kalyan, criticized Vijayasai Reddy’s decision in a biting retort. “It has become fashionable for many politicians to enjoy power when their party is in power and then abandon it when they are in trouble,” he remarked. Closing his statement, Ganesh questioned, “Idi Dharmama?” (Is this righteous?).
Despite having little to do with Andhra Pradesh politics, Ganesh’s comments have added fuel to the ongoing discourse, as his dig at Vijayasai resonates with those questioning the timing of the resignation.
Vijayasai Reddy’s departure has also become a hot topic for memes and mockery on social media. His long-standing image as one of Jagan Mohan Reddy’s most trusted confidants had led many to believe that he would remain by Jagan’s side until the very end. However, this sudden retirement has left supporters and critics alike puzzled, further intensifying debates about what might have triggered the unexpected exit.
As speculation continues to swirl, one thing is certain—Vijayasai Reddy’s decision has left a significant void in YSR Congress leadership while sparking widespread curiosity and controversy.
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