It doesn’t get any bigger and surprising than this. Today, Nani’s latest release, Bhale Bhale Magadivoy, touched the sensational 25 crore worldwide share milestone. The film collected nearly $1.4 million (9.29 crores) in America alone and in the Telugu states and rest of India, it raked up close to 16.25 crores.
What’s even more praiseworthy is that Bhale Bhale Magadivoy entered this silver jubilee club all in just 24 days and is still running to packed houses on weekends on holidays. With this feat, BBM surpassed Allu Arjun’s summer hit S/O Satyamurthy’s overseas collections and stood at the 8th position in all-time highest grossing Telugu films in the US.
Even after the release of Subramanyam For Sale, Bhale Bhale Magadivoy didn’t see severe drops in its weekend collections. With this pace, the film will easily end up collecting 30 plus crores distributors share, explaining the true meaning of a blockbuster.
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