Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced Rs 20 lakh crore aid to the nation under the Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan to stimulate the economy which had been hit by recession and Covid-19 lockdown successively. The package amounts to 10 per cent of the nation’s GDP.

He pitched in for indigenous products and urged people to also focus on realising “Make in India” policy to make the nation self-reliant. Modi stressed that buying local products and encouraging local brands would help in boosting the economy from the grass roots-level.

Till the lockdown, countries across the world bought products made in China, right from minute things like toys to big ones like computer systems and other electronic goods. Accordingly, China too catered to the needs of people across the world by manufacturing a wide range of products including textiles, footwear and many other daily use products. China was the manufacturing hub for the entire world.

However, with the suspicion that China manufactured even the deadly coronavirus and exported it to all the countries like it did with other products, the developed countries have started contemplating banning China products in their countries.

In such a situation, Modi underscored the need to be self-reliant. Further, he pointed out that it was the local vegetable vendor and kirana stores which helped the people survive through the Covid-19 lockdown. “So, it is ‘local’ which helped the country move ahead during the adverse situation,” he pointed out.

With the same spirit, it is necessary that people buy local products and make the local manufacturers grow, he said, adding that people should not stop with buying but also promote local products.

“All global brands were initially local brands. Gradually, they improved the marketing techniques and found their way to gain the patronage of people in other countries and became global brands, Similarly, Indians should also buy local products, encourage local manufacturers and help them prosper in local market. This will gradually pave way to become global brands,” he said.

Modi also urged the people to keep “Make in India” policy in mind as it would add to the economy and make the country self-reliant. He also appealed to the people to be “vocal for local”.

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January 14, 2025

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