Telangana Rashtra Samithi president and Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao does not mince words, if he wants to say something; even if the other person is Prime Minister.KCR, who had met Prime Minister Narendra Modi last week, said there was no need for the state to follow the NDA schemes in the state.“The welfare schemes which we are implementing are much better than your schemes. We don’t need your support for them. What we want from you is to provide Central assistance to development schemes like Mission Kakatiya and Mission Bhagiratha which are aimed at mitigating the drought in the State,” he said.
He demanded that if BJP leaders like Dr K Lakshman or Bandaru Dattatreya have any concern towards the state, they should use their influence in the Centre and get any national project to the state.“It is better they stop their attempts to project us as beggars before the Centre” he said.KCR also found fault with his AP counterpart N Chandrababu Naidu to say that AP had lost revenue of Rs 65,000 crore by foregoing Hyderabad to Telangana.
“Please don’t play outdated politics. People have stopped believing such gimmicks,” he said.
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