If the rumours in Filmnagar are to be believed, Bollywood Superstar Amitabh Bachchan will be playing a little cameo in Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Prestigious 150th film. Amitabh always appreciate Chiranjeevi’s contribution to Indian Cinema and is ready to do the cameo role in the film. The team however is silent over this.
The first schedule of the film got concluded recently and very soon the second schedule will begin. The schedules are chalked out in a way there are no big resting periods as Chiranjeevi is keen to release it for Sankranthi 2017. The film is the official remake of Tamil blockbuster, Kaththi starring Vijay. VV Vinayak who recently bagged a failure with Akhil – The Power of Jua is given the chance to direct the film.
Vinayak previously directed Chiranjeevi in a blockbuster Tagore which is also a remake. Devi Sri Prasad will be composing music for this film. This is his second film with Chiranjeevi after Shankar Dada MBBS. The project also boasts of Top technicians like Art director Thota Tharani and Cinematographer Rathnavelu.
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