Superstar Mahesh babu and Young Tiger NTR are all set to test their luck with their respective films during this Dasara season. While Tarak’s Jai Lava Kusa has been aimed for September 21st release, Mahesh is gearing up for September 27th release with Spyder.
The audio of Jai Lava Kusa received mixed response however Tarak’s performance in the trailer kept the expectations on the film high. The makers are all set to surprise the audience with the fifth song which is an item number which comes on the lines ‘Swing Zara’. Tamannaah shaked leg with Tarak in the item number.
The makers are in plans to release the glimpses of the song tomorrow which is going to surprise the audience. Spyder pre-release event will take place tomorrow in Shilpa Kala Vedika, Hyderabad.
The theatrical trailer of Spyder too will be unveiled during the event. Spyder audio received mixed response from the audience as it had too much Tamil flavor. Hence Superstar’s fans are eagerly waiting for the theatrical trailer.
On the whole, September 15th is a big day for both Mahesh and Tarak as two crucial trailers will be out. Both the films have been carrying huge buzz and they have been sold out for massive prices. We have to wait and see how Spyder trailer and special song from Jai Lava Kusa will add buzz for these films.
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