Nandamuri Kalyan Ram’s new film, MLA is all set to release worldwide this Friday. The film has good buzz in market and so the theatrical rights were also sold for high rates. The film has to become Kalyan Ram’s career biggest grosser to land buyers in safe zone.
Reportedly, MLA has done a theatrical business of Rs 15 Cr. Kalyan Ram’s biggest commercial hit, Pataas has also collected nearly Rs 15 Cr share share. So, MLA needs to collect higher than Pataas just to break even. Kalyan Ram’s two releases after Patass – Sher and Ism tanked at box office, but buyers still bet big on MLA.
Catchy title, Kajal’s glamour and Kalyan Ram’s screen presence can assure good openings but the result will eventually depends on the talk, especially when the target is so high. As Ram Charan’s “Rangasthalam” is set to release next week, MLA should collect most of the investment in the first week itself.
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