Bigg Boss 3 Telugu is entering 11th week with with an announcement from captain Sreemukhi about eviction nomination for this week. All the contestants except Sreemukhi are wearing workers costume and their task would be to collect the bricks thrown inside the house randomly and save it. As soon as buzzer stops they should put it in a container, each fake brick has a number and whoever has the least number will get nominated. This is a tricky game and it involves luck too Sreemukhi being the captain of house is safe from elimination nomination. But everyone else have to play well to be safe. You can check the promo video here
Bigg Boss 3 Telugu 11th Week Elimination nomination list leaked?
According to multiple sources these are the people who looses the task and gets nominated for elimination in 11th week of BB Telugu season 3
- Punarnavi Bhupalam
- Vithika Sheru
- Baba Bhaskar
Mahesh is nominated by captain Sreemukhi which is a shocker as we’re not sure why she nominated him. We will have to wait and watch tonight’s episode.
Nalugu rallu sampayinchukotam ante idey emo ? ? #BiggBossTelugu3 Today at 9:30 PM on @StarMaa
— Starmaa (@StarMaa) September 30, 2019
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