Bigg Boss 3 Telugu September 25 starts with a task where contestants have to hide something and carry while few other contestants like Rahul are trying to snatch it from them. The task ends up becoming a serious fight between Rahul and Varun while Ravi is trying to hold Varun it seems like Varun is abusing Rahul with some bad words. Vithika is trying to hold Varun down from abusing Rahul and making this fight even more serious where one of the contestants might get hurt. It mush be noted that Varun is nominated for eviction this week and is leading the votes while Rahul has returned from secret room on Monday. Here is the promo video
Idhi #BiggBossTelugu3 house…Ikkada edaina jaragachu ?
Today at 9:30 PM on @StarMaa
— Starmaa (@StarMaa) September 25, 2019
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