The 11th season of India’s one of the most controversial reality shows, Bigg Boss, was launched on Tuesday evening at a grand event in Mumbai. Salman Khan, who returned as Host for yet another year, said that the channel keeps bringing him back as the show can’t get TRPs without him.
For past 3-4 years, it has become routine for Bigg Boss fans to hear Salman Khan announcing to stop hosting the show, but he keeps returning for the new seasons. In fact, the show organizers even twice tried airing the show without him, and realized that they can’t do without Salman’s star power. On returning to host the new season, Salman told the same, albeit in a lighter vein.
When asked about the best aspect of Bigg Boss show, Salman said that the love-hate relationships shared by the participants is one of the best things. When asked if Salman was really being paid Rs 11 Cr per episode, the Channel CEO reportedly said, ‘Salman Khan doesn’t come cheap’, indicating that a huge amount was indeed paid as the actor’s remuneration.
Bigg Boss Season 11 will start airing from Sunday, October 1.
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