There have been reports of a biopic being planned on Telangana Chief Minister KCR and that a top director is likely to direct the film. The project however has been in news only as no progress has yet been made in reality. A biopic on AP CM Chandrababu Naidu on the other hand has silently gone on floors and is getting ready to release very soon.
Pasupuleti Venkata Ramana, a patron of TDP and a fan of Chandrababu’s work, is making a film on the AP CM to showcase the work he has been doing for people on silver screen. The film was titled ‘Chandrodayam’. The regular shooting commenced on August 4, and about 75 percent of the shoot has already been wrapped up.
The film’s promo release event was recently held in a grand manner in Tirupathi. Former TTD Chairman and the District Collector launched the promo. Vandemataram Srinivas composed the background score fort he promo. Plans are currently underway to release the film very soon in Amaravati. Chandrababu himself is likely to attend the event.
The film will explore Chandrababu’s journey from 1996 to till date, and the producer claim this film will remain an inspiration to youth for decades. He added that he was making the film out of his reverence for the AP CM.
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