The BJP on Monday announced Ram Nath Kovind as the party’s official nominee for the post of the President of India. Kovind, a Dalit leader from Uttar Pradesh, is currently serving as the Governor of Bihar.
The announcement was made following a high-level party meeting presided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Announcing Kovind’s candidature, BJP president Amit Shah said that the BJP has always stood for the backward and underprivileged groups in the country. He added that the party is yet to take a decision on the Vice President nominee.
Kovind, born on October 1, 1945, is a two-time Rajya Sabha MP from Uttar Pradesh. Elected first in April 1994 from Uttar Pradesh, he served for two consecutive terms for 12 years till March, 2006. Over the years, he has been very vocal on the issues relating to Dalits and Backward castes and is a very prominent leader of the Dalit community.
As the ruling BJP has now announced its nominee, the opposition parties have the choice of either supporting him or pit a candidate against him.
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