Comedian turned Hero, Sunil is currently acting in a film titled ‘Krishnashtami’ directed by Josh fame Vasu Verma. After this film, Sunil will be doing a film in the direction of Vamsi Akella. It is said that the makers have roped in Bollywood beauty, Prachi Desai to pair up with the actor.
Prachi Desai rose to fame with her TV debut, a superhit Hindi TV series by Ekta Kapoor, Kasautii Zindagii Kay. Later she made her Bollywood debut with the musical drama, Rock On and later went on to act in films like Once Upon A Time In Mumbai, Bol Bachchan and Ek Villain.
Besides this film, Prachi will also be seen in Rock On’s sequel, Rock On 2, and the biopic, Azhar. All the three films are lined up for 2016 release. And obviously 2016 will be the most important year in her career.
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