This month saw the wedding of Harbhajan Singh and Geeta Basra. In typical, Bollywood meets cricket world style, they got hitched after enough drama and melodrama and nearly 7 years of courtship.And now it is said that in yet another what’s going to be a high profile wedding of the decade, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma have decided to tie the knot next year.
But the really news for this year is about Yuvraj Singh, who has had his share of crushes. The cricketer is said to be on the verge of formalising his relationship with Hazel Keech who was seen in Bodyguard along with Salman Khan and Kareena Kapoor.
Well, they have been dating for a while now and very friends have been aware of their relationship till Hazel accompanied Yuvi to the wedding of Geeta Basra and Harbhajan Singh. So the latest is that a Punjabi-style rokha or engagement ceremony will be held very soon. Now, do we hear a million hearts breaking already?
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