If rumors are to believed, then leading director Boyapati has reportedly billed 11 crores as remuneration from father and producer Bellamkonda Suresh, to do a film with his son and one film actor Srinivas. Producer who is in hurry to make his son a star overnight, is digging deep into his pockets to sign in top commercial directors. After 10 crores and plot for Vinayak, Suresh has roped in Legend director to sustain the momentum gained with average grosser “Alludu Sreenu”, with another potboiler, as he believed that only star directors, are the best bet, to take the career of his son’s career in T-town.
It is surprising how, Bhadra director, who was discussing a project with stars like Ram Charan, suddenly, take a decision to work with one-film wonder, but now the chicken is out of the bag and its double digit pay cheque, that made him to agree.
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