Brahmanandam’s upcoming lead role film titled Jaffa is reportedly gearing up for a late August release. The movie is going to complete its shoot this week and post production activities will be wrapped up soon. Comedian turned director Vennela Kishore is directing the movie.
The film is said to be a full-fledged comedy entertainer.Brahmanandam is going to be seen as dreaded terrorist Jaffar Khan in the movie. Ali and Venu Madhav is playing prominent roles in the film. Sunil Kashyap is composing the music for this film. Cinematography is by Naveen. Ramesh Varma is producing the film under Kiran Studios Pvt Ltd banner. The movie is being planned in Bollywood too. Vennela Kishore has roped in his good friend and popular choreographer Sagar Das as the director for Jaffa remake. This would be Sagar Das’s first movie as director.
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