A couple of nights ago, Superstar Mahesh Babu released the trailer for Dil Raju’s upcoming production ‘Srinivasa Kalyanam’. But it looks like there’s more to Mahesh Babu and Srinivasa Kalyanam connect.There are eerie similarities in the posters of Srinivasa Kalyanam and Mahesh Babu’s 2016 debacle ‘Brahmotsavam’. The title logo and the golden brownish colours in Srinivasa Kalyanam’s title poster were reminiscent of Brahmotsavam’s title poster.
And then came Srinivasa Kalyanam’s trailer, which made everyone feel that it offered a strong deja vu of Bramhotsavam. The deep, emotional family relationships, into the face traditions, the North Indian backdrop and the candyfloss romance between the lead pair in Srinivasa Kalyanam’s trailer reminded of Brahmotsavam.These uncanny similarities between Srinivasa Kalyanam and Brahmotsavam are unintentional. But we will have to wait until its release to see whether this Brahmotsavam fever in Srinivasa Kalyanam will only limit to the trailer and posters or not.
Srinivasa Kalyanam is directed by Satish Vegesna. He had earlier directed the national award winning film ‘Shatamanam Bhavathi’, which too was produced by Dil Raju. The director-producer duo had handled the strong family emotions in Shatamanam Bhavathi quite well and ensured its success despite the heavy Sankranthi competition last year. And given their expertise, they will once again ensure the same for Srinivasa Kalyanam next Friday.
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