Deepa Jayakumar, niece of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha, has made some sensational comments against her brother Deepak in regard to Jaya’s death. Deepa and her supporters, who attempted to enter Poes Garden on Sunday morning, was denied entry by Chennai police. While the authorities barred them from entering Poes Garden, Jaya’s niece and followers retaliated and began to protest.
Reacting to it, Deepa demanded a police enquiry on her brother Deepak’s role in Jayalalitha’s demise as she went on to allege that, ‘Deepak has joined hands with Sasikala, her close family members and attempted to assassinate Jayalalitha while she was in hospital.’ She further added, ‘I, being the real successor to Jayalalitha, have the complete eligibility to enter Poes and pay tribute to Jaya.’
Even in the past, Deepa accused Sasikala of killing her aunt and claimed herself as real heir to Jayalalitha’s political legacy and her assets. Now that court is yet to decide on Jayalalitha’s descendant, all her assets including Poes Garden are under the maintenance of state government.
In February this year, Karnataka high court delivered 3 years of jail sentence to Sasikala in disproportionate assets case and she’s currently serving jail term at Parapanna Agrahara prison in Bengaluru.
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