Burning Star Sampoornesh Babu, who made a splashy debut with Hrudaya Kaleyam last year, is gearing up for the release of his second film. Titled Singham 123, the already released stills and refreshing teaser of the film brought buzz in the industry. Since Sampoo is seen in a serious cop role after playing a thief in his debut Hrudaya Kaleyam, expectations are high. Currently, post-production working is going on at blitzkrieg speed.
Newcomer Akshat Sharma has wielded the megaphone and the film is said to have shaped up well. The makers are planning to release the music on May 3. If reports are to be believed, makers are planning to launch the music in the Siddipet, home ground of Sampoornesh Babu.
Singham 123 is the first movie to be produced by Vishnu Manchu which does not have any members of the Manchu family in the star cast. The film is produced under 24 Frames Factory and it’s all set for May 15 release.
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