The unit of Sardaar Gabbar Singh celebrated the birthday of cinematographer Arthur Wilson in style, grand. The unit members ordered for a special cake to celebrate Wilson’s birthday. After the shoot, whole unit participated in the event. Power Star Pawan Kalyan, who usually avoids such events, was there till the last. Pawan had surprised one and all with his sweet gesture and naturally unit people buoyed with his humbleness.
However, producer Sharrat Marar is missing as he was in Mumbai. Sharrat is busy making arrangements for the release of Sardaar in Hindi. He is expected to arrive in Hyderabad late night.
A song is being shot on Pawan Kalyan and a team of dancers. It’s introduction song. A small set is erected within a huge set. This is apparently introduction song of Pawan Kalyan and hence makers wanted to picturise it in grand way. On other hand, all eyes are on Sardaar audio launch which is due for March 20 at a star hotel in Hyderabad.
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