Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy recently unveiled plans to extend the Hyderabad Metro Rail network as part of New Year’s initiatives. The proposed expansion will focus on the northern regions of the city, with extensions planned to Medchal and Shamirpet to alleviate long-standing traffic congestion and enhance connectivity in these key areas.
Revanth Reddy has instructed the Managing Director of Hyderabad Airport Metro Ltd (HAML), N.V.S. Reddy, to prepare Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for two new Metro corridors: the Paradise-Medchal corridor (spanning 23 kilometers) and the JBS-Shamirpet corridor (22 kilometers). These projects are set to be incorporated into Phase-2, Part-‘B’ of the Metro Rail expansion.
The Paradise-Medchal corridor will cover 23 kilometers and connect several important hubs, including Tadbund, Bowenpally, Suchitra Circle, Kompally, Gundlapochampally, Kandlakoya, and the ORR exit. Meanwhile, the JBS-Shamirpet corridor will stretch over 22 kilometers, linking key locations like Vikrampuri, Karkhana, Trimulgherry, Lothkunta, Alwal, Bolarum, Hakimpet, Tumkunta, and the ORR exit.
This expansion marks a significant step toward improving urban transport infrastructure and providing much-needed relief to the city’s northern regions.
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