Mega Power Star Ram Charan Teja who is planning to shake Bollywood with his debut venture ‘Zanjeer’ is putting in lot of effort. He has an uphill task first to fit in the shoes of none other than Big B Amitabh Bachchan. Zanjeer is a remake of yesteryear Big B blockbuster which gave Big B the much wanted angry young man image. Now Cherry is trying to become genex angry young man romancing hot beauty Priyanka Chopra.
While Amitabh during his time had only one Pathan Sher Khan in form of Pran, Cherry has to deal with two sherkhan’s one in telugu and one in hindi. While telugu has Sonu Sood most charming and hansome bollywood villain in the role, hindi version has towering Sanjay Dutt.
Cherry has to fight both Sonu and Sanju to win over the laurels of movie lovers. He is working out in gym to tone his body so that he can bare his body to match that of Sonu and Sanju. Film makers are planning to screen high voltage action scenes soon and movie lovers are keeping their fingers crossed as to how Cherry will emerge victorious defeating these vicious villains and win the hearts of north Indian viewers.
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