Long ago, ace director Rohit Shetty announced that he is going to remake Puri Jagan and NTR’s Temper in Hindi as ‘Simmba’ with Ranveer Singh, by just taking half of the scenes and add more in his own style. The director has also started filming the project and none other than Sara Ali Khan is doing the female lead. Who is the baddie of this film anyway?
Since the past few days, there was a buzz that Madhavan will be seen in the role of Prakash Raj, but now there is a surprising twist now. It is not going to happen, as the actor recently underwent a shoulder surgery and the doctors suggested him for two months complete bed rest and also warned him not to perform any action stunts for at least five months.
Madhavan, who is a fan of Rohit Shetty, seems quite disappointed with it, took social media to share his feelings about missing the film. So, he won’t be showing Temper to Hindi audiences. When he was undergoing a training session at the gym and the actor also shared his photograph from the hospital after the surgery. Now, the makers are heard approaching Sonu Sood, who already impressed the audience as a baddie in Dabangg, however, an official confirmation is yet to be made.
In Telugu, Temper was one of the best films that received highest accolades for Jr NTR’s terrific performance as a quirky cop. In Hindi, this film is likely to hit the screens in December, let’s see how it fares.
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