Off late, Bollywood young actors are keen on doing adult comedies which are minimum guaranteed and demand for glamorous divas is escalating. The third installment of Kya Kool Hai Hum trilogy faced tough times with Censor board. The film was screened several times for the censor members who always recommended many cuts.
At one stage there were even reports that, the film was banned by the censor board due to vulgar dialogues and acts in it. There had been a flurry of reports about Tusshar Kapoor starrer film and its trouble with the censor board but except for this “ban” report, nothing much on Kya Kool Hain Hum 3 having any issues with the board. Guess what, the board served an unbelievable 150 cuts on the film for securing an A certificate!
The whole film takes a kinky dig at nearly everything on earth but we wonder what would be left of the film after so many cuts. The whole concept rests on double entendre jokes which get a bit petty at few instances but it will definitely generate laughter. “We’ve received the censor certificate while maintaining the film’s plot and flavor,” clarifies Tusshar at a press meet.
Aftab Shivdasani, Mandana Karimi, Krishna Abhishek, Gizele Thakral and Claudia Ciesla are other lead cast in the film scheduled to release on 22nd of this month.
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