Young hero Naga Chaitanya’s new movie with ‘Swamy Raa Raa’s director Sudheer Varma is on sets now. The title of the movie has officially been confirmed as ‘mayagadu’. Atharintiki Daredi’s producer, BVSN Prasad is producing this movie. Kriti Sanon of ‘1-Nenokkadine’ fame is doing opposite to Naga Chatanya. He is expected to create a magic with ‘mayagadu’ by delivering a blockbuster hit.
In the meanwhile, Naga Chatanya’s upcoming romantic entertainer ‘Oka Laila Kosam’s theatrical trailer was released yesterday. The makers are planning to release the movie on September 12. Vijay Kumar Konda of ‘Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyinde’ fame is directing this movie. Pooja Hegde is teaming up with Chaitu in the movie. Nagarjuna is producing the movie on Annapurna Studios.
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