By opting for Kesinani Nani to lead the Vijayawada West constituency TDP, TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu has shown that he is clear about his priorities. This has come as a shock to two senior leaders of the party – Buddha Venkanna and Nagul Meera – who were hoping that they would be given the responsibility of Vijayawada West.
Now the supporters of these two leaders are accusing Chandrababu of giving in to the demand of the leader from his own community. Both have been strongly opposing Kesineni Nani for the past few years. So, both are deeply unhappy with the appointment. On Thursday, the supporters of both leaders took to the streets to voice their opposition to Kesineni Nani’s appointment.
The differences between Kesineni Nani and these leaders have been simmering for quite some time. The differences came to the fore during the recent municipal elections, when Nani had announced his daughter Shweta as the mayoral candidate for Vijayawada. They opposed this announcement and did not cooperate with Nani.
But, Chandrababu has shown his clear preference to Kesineni Nani. He has also given a free hand to Nani to constitute the division level committees. He has also set aside the committees constituted by both Nagul Meera and Buddha Venkanna. Both the leaders are now sulking over the appointment of Kesineni Nani.
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