A nine rated Channel has telecasted a program today, which is meant to compare the remunerations of Power Star Pawan Kalyan and Prince Mahesh. Having watched this program, it is understood, the Channel has misled the viewers by hiding some facts on the remunerations. According to the Channel Mahesh has been paid Rs.23 crores for Murugadoss’ project. In fact, Mahesh and Murugadoss’ project was not yet launched and it will probably be launched in the early first half of next year. Even before the start of the shoot of the movie, Mahesh’s ‘Brahmotsavam’ will be released.
On the other hand, the Channel reported Pawan Kalyan had pocketed Rs.18 crores for ‘Atharintiki Daredi’. But then, the Channel has not mentioned about the remuneration taken by Pawan Kalyan for ‘Sardaar Gabbar Singh’ such that no way the comparison is justified between a movie (AD) which hit the screens in 2014 and another movie which might get released in 2017 (Mahesh-Murugadoss). It is also being speculated the Channel is innocent in telecasting about program. ” Somebody might have prompted the Channel to make it a paid program, as the remunerations of no other star heroes have been mentioned and Pawan Kalyan’s status is degraded,” suspected a movie buff.
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