With both #NTR Kathayanayakudu and Ram Charan’s Vinaya Vidheya Rama releasing around the same time, definitely, there will be some sort of friction between Mega and Nandamuri fans. Though there is a day gap between their releases, fans are already at loggerheads on social media. Here comes an interesting snippet.
Apparently, there is a talk that Ram Charan has met Balayya recently. Oh, why? Yeah, actually during the shooting times of Vinaya Vidheya Rama and #NTRBiopic, some schedules are in such a way that both the units have shot in side-by-side sets. During that times, Charan is said to have visited NTR Biopic set as director Krish is a close friend of him, and Balayya is a close friend of Megastar Chiru. We hear that there are many photographs taken during this meet.
One wonders why they are not releasing these pictures now because such photos will reduce the animosity between fans and create a positive atmosphere during the release times. Also, that will give a universal message that all heroes will be good friends and they want all of their films to do well.
While NTR Kathayanakudu is set for January 9th release, Vinaya Vidheya Rama will be hitting cinemas on January 11th.
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