Not many know that actress Charmi Kaur shared a great bond with veteran director Bapu who recently passed away. Although she worked with the director for only one film Sundarakanda that too which tanked at Box Office without a trace, Bapu and she had bonded well.
During the filming of Sundarakanda, Bapu used to take extra care on Charmi and he used to call her as ‘Chaam’. The interesting detail is that Charmi had written a “love” letter to Bapu during the shoot and send it later after the film bombed at BO. She sent the letter along with a Cognac bottle.
But the legendary director thought that the letter was “hatred” as the film was flopped. Without opening the letter Bapu had kept the letter at the portrait of God in his house. Charmi had came to knew about this only she met director few years later. She used to seek his blessings for her every birthday. That’s bonding between Charmi and Bapu.
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