Universal Hero Kamal Hassan’s Cheekati Rajyam shooting is going on at brisk pace. Strong Buzz emerging from Kollywood is that the movie is a heavily inspired from a French film in which the entire story takes place in one night. The story revolves around a reputed cop and Kamal Hassan will be seen as a cop in this flick.
Interstingly, Kamal had ropped in three action choreographers – Gilles Conseil, Silivain Gabet and Virginie Arnaud to compose the fight sequences of the film. Kamal Hassan’s associate Rajesh is directing the film which is a bilingual made simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil.
70% of the movie is shot in Hyderabad and the rest of the 30% will be canned in Chennai. Trisha is pairing up with Kamal Hassan for the second time in her career after Manmadha Banam. The bilingual film is being produced by Kamal Hassan himself on his RajKamal Films International banner.
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